
class UIRenderContext abstract

extends ManagedObject

Base application render context, to be extended with platform specific render implementation.


(): UIRenderContext

.viewportContext abstract


Observable viewport data; propagated to AppActivity and ViewComponent so that it can be used by bindings within view components.


(): void

Emit a change event for this context, e.g. when the viewport orientation or current locale changes. This will trigger all views to re-render if needed.


(): ManagedObject[]

Returns a list of all application components (activities, view components) that are associated with this render context.

.clear() abstract

(): void

Remove all rendered output from the screen.

.getRenderCallback() abstract

(): RenderCallback<Output<never, never>>

Returns a callback that can be used to render an output element to the screen asynchronously.



Inherited from ManagedObject.managedId.



Inherited from ManagedObject.managedState.

.getReferenceCount() protected

(): number

Inherited from ManagedObject.getReferenceCount.

.getManagedReferrers() protected

(): ManagedObject[]

Inherited from ManagedObject.getManagedReferrers.

.getManagedParent() protected

<TParent extends ManagedObject = ManagedObject>(ParentClass?: ManagedObjectConstructor<TParent>): TParent

Inherited from ManagedObject.getManagedParent.


<TEvent extends ManagedEvent = ManagedEvent, TConstructorArgs extends any[] = any[]>(e: string | TEvent | (new (...args: TConstructorArgs) => TEvent), ...constructorArgs: TConstructorArgs): this

Inherited from ManagedObject.emit.


(name?: string): void

Inherited from ManagedObject.emitChange.

.propagateChildEvents() protected deprecated

(...types: ((new (...args: any[]) => ManagedEvent) | ((e: ManagedEvent) => any))[]): this

Inherited from ManagedObject.propagateChildEvents.

.activateManagedAsync() protected

(): Promise<any>

Inherited from ManagedObject.activateManagedAsync.

.deactivateManagedAsync() protected

(): Promise<void>

Inherited from ManagedObject.deactivateManagedAsync.

.destroyManagedAsync() protected

(): Promise<void>

Inherited from ManagedObject.destroyManagedAsync.

.onManagedStateActivatingAsync() protected

(): Promise<void>

Inherited from ManagedObject.onManagedStateActivatingAsync.

.onManagedStateActiveAsync() protected

(): Promise<void>

Inherited from ManagedObject.onManagedStateActiveAsync.

.onManagedStateDeactivatingAsync() protected

(): Promise<void>

Inherited from ManagedObject.onManagedStateDeactivatingAsync.

.onManagedStateInactiveAsync() protected

(): Promise<void>

Inherited from ManagedObject.onManagedStateInactiveAsync.

.onManagedStateDestroyingAsync() protected

(): Promise<void>

Inherited from ManagedObject.onManagedStateDestroyingAsync.


Callback function that accepts rendered output and returns a next callback.


Encapsulates a rendered output element, to be placed on screen by a platform specific UIRenderContext instance.


<TComponent extends UIRenderable = UIRenderable, TElement = any>(source: TComponent, element: TElement, placement?: UIRenderPlacement, reference?: UIComponent): Output<...>



The rendered component.



The rendered element, as a platform-dependent object or handle.



Placement mode, used by UIRenderContext for root output elements.



Placement reference for dropdowns and popovers.



Modal shade opacity behind content (0-1).


() => void

Handler function, added by a previous parent renderer (if any), to detach the visible element from the previous parent’s tree structure; any other renderer should call this method before adding the element to a new parent.